Watched the film Upcoming Summer today, and am seriously annoyed.
Not because of the plot or the characters, the school is the annoying part about this film. Like, the students went out for fun on a weekend, they posted a video that didn’t hurt anyone or themselves, and they for some reason are punished for that?? Like, it’s the weekend, they aren’t skipping class, who does the school think they are? Both of their grades weren’t impacted, so what is the school getting its pants into a bunch about? And the parents of the kids didn’t even try to fight this, and instead allowed their kid to drop out??? What??
And, now, plot. I think the plot wasn’t bad, but the beginning was a bit boring, and I almost fell asleep them. The later portions of the film are more interesting, and we get to see this story about a girl dating a gay guy. I liked the implications of the story, I think they did that well. Whether it was not letting the audience hear Ming, the main male lead’s unrequited love interest, or Yuxing Zheng’s dad being completely unafraid of his son hunting Chen Chen, or Yuxing saying it himself, to Chen Chen: “If only I could love you.” Watching this and feeling like Chinese films can start to be more inclusive of all sexualities is juts such a happy feeling!
The actors were all good, the plot wasn’t bad, I wasn’t too bored, so the film overall was not bad! I could recommend this to people, I think! Even though I think this film is probably something that you don’t really want to spend that much money to watch so maybe waiting for it to stream is a better idea., there are a lot fo effects like the club scenes and the music festivals scene that are beautiful and can really only be felt at their best on the big screen. So maybe watching it in the movie theatres isn’t that bad of an idea.
anyway, hopefully one day soon Chinese films can also proudly demonstrate all sorts of love!
Happy Sunday!!