Today is the lovely Chinese Valentines Day, the perfect day for terrible films like Deep Love that make you both want to cry and want to laugh!
This film is mostly about love, and a main male lead who knows absolutely nothing, a CEO main female lead who looks like she’s pretending to be daddy for the day, a creepy, weird, stalker-ish second male lead, a second female lead whom we are constantly told is amazing but never actually get to see her work, and a whole bunch of unnecessary commentary about “cities.”
Just based on characters, I just want to ask: how does a woman who has lived alone since she was 15, a woman who is able to become CEO of one of the biggest drone companies in Shenzhen, allow herself to cry in a public event? And why did the event, originally meant to display the companies drones, just suddenly become a personal love-fest with her boyfriend? (I am literally the most angered by the development of the female lead, she had so much potential, but instead, she just seemed like a harmless bunny, with none of the intelligence you would expect the CEO and chairman of a famous business to have.)
还有男二。就是一个典型的普信男:要钱没钱要能力没能力要上进心没上进心,而且还莫名的自信和油腻。还有那个莫名其妙的妹妹夏花,也没啥故事线就是用来开黄色笑话的。电影里感觉男人脑子里都只有sex 这有啥深度??
Also, the second male lead, is literally the definition of a normal man with an abnormal sense of his importance: he has no money, no abilities, no ambition, and is still weirdly confident and tries wayyy too hard. And the other, younger sister Xia Hua, is literally there for no other purpose than for the boys to make sexual jokes about, she has literally no storyline. What this movie tells us is that men apparently only have sex in their minds and nothing else, so where is the depth in that??
I admire the movie’s topic, I admire the movie’s attempt at trying to comment on life in a big city, but the movie literally violates the most important creative writing rule that every teacher will teach you. Instead of “showing,” it just keeps “telling,” giving me no space at all as an audience member to actually try to understand this myself. And also, those drones seriously looked so fake.
看完这部电影我很开心,中间太多好笑的台词(“来,我们来自拍”)和脑瘫的人物和剧情了,感觉自己笑出了马甲线。不过想要看甜甜的恋爱过七夕,不如去看看 “Love Actually”之类的庆祝吧,这部就 算了。
I was very happy after watching this movie, there were way too many ludicrous lines, so ridiculous they were funny type lines (“Here, let’s take a selfie”) and simple characters and plot choices, I feel like I might have laughed a bit too hard. But if you want to watch a sweet romantic film for Chinese Valentines day, maybe take a look at the classics like Love Actually instead of this.
Happy Friday!!