Watched Cloudy Mountain today.
I think the film wasn’t bad. Typical disaster film, but I think switching it up can be fun sometimes too.
Plot-wise, the film was mostly about how to make things perfect, by making sure that both the hard work of thousands of people don’t go to waste and making sure that people don’t die. The story has a few twists and turns, but for the most part wasn’t that surprising. The few twists and turns it did have kept it from being boring, so props for that. I think the biggest issue I had with the plot was that it was too perfect, like it felt like the story had to end with a happily ever after. I think the story could’ve ended in tragedy and it still would have paid tribute to the suffers of the Chinese railway corps.
But I think one thing I liked about the film is that it trusted its audience, and didn’t treat us like 3 year old babies. There were a lot of places in the film where the filmmakers chose to use implicit references or foreshadowing instead of spelling it out for the audience. Like when we find out that the main character is scared of water, we had already seen the memory he has of being a kid in water, but we never understood it the first few times it showed up. So when we did understand what the memory was, we were able to have a sort of “aha” moment. And the main character’s dad being a hard on hearing and stubborn was implied at the beginning, like when he paid with cash and used a phone that didn’t have WeChat or Alipay (for those not in China, we don’t use cash very often anymore).
Character-wise, I liked the characterisation of the main character. Watching him go from having a phobia of water to conquering that fear and saving people was help in trying to understand his character and his personality traits. The main character’s dad also had some pretty good development, a respected veteran who still had his own issues, chief among them not being sensitive enough towards his son. But I was kind of sad by how little characterisation the girlfriend of the main character and the character Chen Shu played got. I think the girlfriend was literally just a girlfriend throughout, and Chen Shu’s talents were wasted by the 2 dimensionality of her character.
The film is full of big explosions, emotional moments, cool scenes inside mountains and underwater, and is an overall pretty great fiery inspirational type hero film. But if the film was actually about the sixteen hundred thousand people that they wanted to protect like teh poster was about, than I think the main plot of the film comes out a bit late and isn’t really emphasized enough. The number sixteen hundred thousand only appears once, and the first hour of the film is about people stuck in a mountain, and the saving bit is done so quickly. I think the film would’ve been better if it had chosen to focus more on the hardships and harsh conditions of being a railway corp.
anyway, not a bad film, and the actors were all pretty good, the theme was touching, the emotional stuff was pretty successful, and I think I would recommend this to people who want to go to the theatres but have nothing else to see!
周六快乐(JASON SUDEIKIS 要回到周六夜现场了我好激动)!!