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'Wonder Woman 1984': A Review


Watched "Wonder Woman 1984" today!!!

今天去看了《神奇女侠1984》 !!!

As a huge simp of pretty much all beautiful people, this movie literally made me so happy! ! Gal Gadot's legs, Gal Gadot's face; literally loved every scene she was in!

其实作为颜控来说 这部电影真的让我太激动了!!Gal Gadot的腿啊啊啊啊Gal Gadot的脸啊啊啊反正就是各种喜欢颜值!

To illustrate exactly how much of a simp me and my friend were: We were sitting there and we were both pretty skeptical (basically complained any time Gal wasn’t in screen) of Cheetah at first, but when she changed into the black dress look, we both just shut our mouths. Literally so obsessed with the amount of beauty in this film.

还有一个特别好笑的小故事:我跟好朋友坐在那里 一开始都对豹女的饰演者不感兴趣(只要Gal不在荧幕上) 但是当她换上黑色衣服的那一瞬间我们俩都闭上嘴了。哈哈哈哈这部剧里面的颜值我都太爱了。

Also, not gonna lie, the ending of this movie was extremely boring. I personally think the only really great parts about this film is the performances and the fight scenes. The ending and plot are both hard to comment on, because they seriously could use some work. It was basically, at the end, completely just playing on the various stereotypes of the genre. The first one was definitely much better.


I wouldn’t really recommend the film if you have to pay to see it. Like, stream it please, because I think it’s still a cool instalment of the DC universe and because the cast alone makes the film worth watching, but don’t spend 20 dollars at a theatre to watch it. It just isn’t worth it. Still, glad I spent the last day of 2020 at the theatres, at my favourite place on Earth with a good friend!!

如果需要付钱买票,我不会建议大家去看。就,我觉得这部也算是DC宇宙里面应该看的一部而且光看演员们也应该看一下,但是如果要在电影院花20美金看那还是算了吧。不是很值,但是,我还是很开心2020年的最后一天我在我和好朋友一起在我最喜欢的地方 影院 里面度过!!

(P.S. The pictures are all Kristen because I added the pictures in January, after I wrote this review, but when I originally saw the film I didn’t know Kristen yet, so that’s why I wasn’t a freaking out every time she appeared on screen. I seriously don’t get what I was thinking: she was so freaking adorable as Barbara Minerva!!!!! WHY DIDN’T I SEE IT BACK THEN!!! )

(P.S. 配图是1月份配的所以都是Kristen当时看的时候还不认识Kristen才会觉得一开始没有便装前的她可以嘲笑啊啊啊那么可爱的她我当年为!什!么!没有看出来!!!)

Happy 2021!!



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