Yes, I am aware that the name of the title on the book is Carol. I do not care. I like the original title The Price of Salt and I will be using it. Sue me.
Despite loving Carol the film with everything I am, I never tried getting my hands on The Price of Salt for a read because I listened to the commenters online who found the film more compelling, and Carol has an almost mythical status in my heart. So I didn't really want to read the book, until I saw this quote: (after reading I discovered that this conversation is on page 199)
‘Carol, I love you.’
[…] Then she kissed Therese on the lips, as if they had kissed a thousand times before.
‘Don’t you know I love you?’ Carol said.
If I still didn't want to read the book I would've been heartless.
But the truth of the matter is, most people were right. The book isn't as good as the film. The book is told completely from Therese's point of view, so Carol, Abby, and Harge become more figments of her imagination, almost, rather than fully fleshed out characters like in the film. Of course, this also means we get to better understand the quiet girl from the film, so I suppose you win some, you lose some.
Many of the scenarios in the book are vastly different from the film, though the story between Carol and Therese end and begin in roughly the same manner. I think the biggest difference probably comes from the road trip. In the book has plenty of time to dwell on this trip, and to the reader, this allows for intimacy on the trip that the film could only spare little time on.
I also have to mention how well the film captures so many of the book's themes. The theme about not changing oneself or not bowing to society is shown in the book through Carol telling Therese she's given up custody of her daughter for Therese and herself, with the film equivalent of the scene being the one when Carol, her voice broken and gruff, tells Harge that they aren't ugly people. We're always talking about LGBTQ+ Pride, but Pride is more than putting on a rainbow and declaring your queerness. It can also be choosing to quietly be yourself even when the world is against you and spitting on you. I know I shouldn't, but I really have to mention that the film does a magnificent job casting. The book's description of Carol would have had me inserting Cate Blanchett's face regardless of whether or not she played Carol in the film.
这里必须说到一点,就是电影很完整地展现了书中很多主题。比如说不屈服不改变自己,书中的卡罗尔为了可以见到Therese和自己的人生几乎是完全放弃了对于女儿的监护,和电影里哽咽的卡罗尔在律师们面前说的话很像。我们总是嘴上说着LGBTQ+ Pride,但是Pride不仅仅是穿着彩虹上街。Pride也可以是在全世界都与你为敌全世界都在辱骂你的时候默默的继续做自己。顺便感叹一下电影选角真的很厉害,书中对于卡罗尔的描写就算不是凯特·布兰切特演的都会立马带入。
The story doesn't leave your mind, especially when every conversation between Carol and Therese must be pondered, over and over, to truly understand how during that time, to be able to choose the person you love is so hard that one can only rely on guessing and on pregnant silences. I think what Therese says in the book explains what I mean perfectly:
It was so easy for a man and woman to find each other, to find someone who would do, but for her to have found Carol-
To have found each other is perhaps one of the luckiest things either of them have ever experienced.
Happy Friday!!