Watched The Handmaiden today!
这部电影的制作真的太绝了 我太喜欢这部电影了!
This film is honestly immaculate, I love love, LOVE this film!
OK, so first: the details in the plot. First, the Count says something along the lines of how all women want him, and that he knew because when they meet his eyes, they would first look away and look back later. And in almost the very first scene between the Lady and Sook-Hee, the Handmaiden, we see the Lady meet her eyes, then look down, and then peek at her again. THE PARALLELS!! And when the Lady was reading, the one where she was wearing a green outfit, she read with zero emotion with all other books except the book that stars two girls, which she not only read but memorized! She actually enjoyed telling that story!
And the symbolism! The symbolism! Like the Lady’s gloves. She only took them off around the Handmaiden, which symbolized her being herself, her true, uninhibited self in front of Sook-Hee. In front of everyone else, especially the men who tried to use her, she hid herself away. And only when she threw her gloves into the ocean did she truly become herself. The gloves also appear on the Lady’s uncle, and on him, it symbolized the twisted interior he hides under a glamours exterior.
And the symbolism of suicide. There is this one scene where the Lady jumps off the stone wall, and the camera pushes in on her face until it is nearly against her face, when suddenly she jumps, and disappears from the frame. It’s reminiscent of the way a person committing suicide is often shot on screen, and disappearing from the frame. For the Lady, the audience is told from the beginning that the only choice she has, the only way she can leave the existence she inhibits, is to die. But when she jumps off the stone wall, she doesn’t kill herself. She kills the person she was, symbolizing the beginning of her new life.
还有小姐偷看下女的墙上的洞。那个洞代表着世人对女性的审视,是一种male gaze。但是小姐通过这个洞看到的下女是是不带有任何有色眼镜的。她看下女的眼神不是一种审视,反倒是一种观察。
And the hole in the wall the Lady watches the Handmaiden through. It is just like the way the world looks at women, the male gaze. But when the Lady looks at the Handmaiden through the hole, she is not looking to judge, but rather to observe, in the most innocent way possible.
There is honestly so much more that I would talk about, but that’s one of the best things about this film: it trusts its audience enough to let them discover these details themselves, rather than forcing it down their throat.
And of course, the actors. The actors. Kim Min-Hee IS Lady Hideko. Her eyes are so cold when appraising the Count, yet so full of love when looking at her Sook-Hee. She doesn’t smile much, as befitting to her status and tragic life, but the few times she does, the love in her smile (because all of her smiles are for Sook-Hee) is almost as blinding as the sun.
There are quite a few R-rated scenes in the film, but I think the most heartbreaking of all the scenes is the one when the Lady goes out to hang herself. The Handmaiden walks into her room only to find the Lady’s doll, carefully tucked into the covers of the bed. The Lady has been through so much abuse, both by her uncle and by the “gentlemen” who use her in their sexual fantasies, but she still has an almost child-like innocence in her heart, because she was never truly allowed to grow up.
The Handmaiden might be a film about lesbian love, but with or without that, this is a beautiful, suspenseful, masterpiece of a film, a film that truly employs ART to tell a story. I recommend this to each and every person who ever watches film (although I would suggest watching this film alone, some scenes might be slightly uncomfortable to watch with, say, your parents).
最后,金泰梨好爽,毕竟可以跟自己最喜欢的女演员金敏喜演拉拉片 就跟我和大魔王演拉拉片一样,我真的会嫉妒的bro!
Finally, I am honestly so jealous of Kim Tae-ri. I mean, come on. Getting to do a film with her favorite female actor, a film of this caliber and this *cough cough* physicality? That’s like me being in a lesbian film with Cate Blanchett. I AM SO JEALOUS.
Happy Sunday!!