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'Miss Sloane': How to do Film Correctly 101


Watched Miss Sloane today, and loved it.


I felt like this was less of a political film than it was a heist movie. Like you just suddenly understand everything at the end! P.S. Jessica Chastain is amazing in this!! Her acting is just beyond everything!


OK, so. Characterisation. Miss Sloane is literally such an amazing character! (Rudolpho and Esme were also really deep characters, but I don’t have a lot of space, so I’m just going to talk about Miss Sloane). We know from the start what her biggest flaw is, she says it herself, it is her need to win. As the story progresses, we are able to watch her grow, going from a work machine back to a human being, slowly relearning how to respect other people again.

ok,首先从角色刻画来说,Miss Sloane简直了!(Rudolpho和Esme也都是一个有深度的角色,但是篇幅有限 就讨论一下斯隆女士)。我们从一开始就知道她最大的缺点是她的好胜心。随着故事的发展,她一点点从一个工作机器慢慢的变回了一个人,慢慢的开始重新学会尊重别人。

In the film, we can see her vulnerable side, but that doesn't affect the way that we perceive her at work. This is something I think Chinese films and television shows can work on: Miss Sloane may have her weaknesses and her vulnerabilities, but the moment she opens her mouth we understand why she can become America’s best lobbyist. There are a lot of scenes in the film that showcase her ability in the workplace, making sure we as the audience understands that she didn't get to the place she is at in her line of work by chance. This is so completely different in most modern Chinese dramas, where women are always charismatic and powerful, but there is never any display of their abilities or their intellect.

我们在剧中可以看到她脆弱的一面,但是也不影响我们理解为什么她可以坐到她现在的位置。这也是国内影视剧对女精英刻画最大的错误:斯隆女士虽然也会有缺点也会脆弱,但是她一张嘴我们就知道她为什么可以做美国第一说客。电影中很多场景让我们看到了她在职场上的能力,不会显得她德不配位。反观国内影视剧,女精英们总是气场强大却感觉没有内涵 能力。

Of course, Miss Sloane being amazing is inseparable from the way Jessica Chastain played her. She was able to, literally, only using her eyes, display all of the emotions her character is feeling. It is easy to play a cool, savvy character, but to make the character be realistic, to be able to let true emotions through in her private life, that is what makes Jessica’s portrayal of Miss Sloane so amazing. Her eyes move, and the audience can feel immediately the change in emotion Miss Sloane is feeling. Especially that last scene, she is literally able to switch between remorseful to determined to anger until finally, we see the character succeed without happiness. She is literally a walking acting textbook!

当然,这离不开演员的刻画。Jessica Chastain只是单纯的用眼睛就能完美的表达出情感。演一个霸道帅气的角色简单,但是想要这个角色有人情味,有私下不经意间流露出的敏感脆弱,这才是Jessica做的最厉害的地方。她的眼睛一动,我们就能感受到角色情感的变化。最后一幕太厉害了,她真的一秒转换惭愧到坚定到气愤再到最后 虽然得逞但是没有喜悦的情感。 简直就是演技教科书!

Plot-wise, Miss Sloane seems like it is commenting on American gun laws, but it is actually more about criticising the unethical and corrupt practices of both politicians and lobbyists. The script of this film is also amazingly written, there were many details that the film didn't expressly point out, and instead let the audience members, using the clues they were given, figure out this final set-up Miss Sloane had created. This script was absolutely so interesting and well-paced!


Finally, I just want to say the makeup and hair and costuming of the film were on point! The entire time the film was able to help Jessica’s portrayal of Miss Sloane by using her hair and makeup to imply when she felt strong and when she felt susceptible, and the changes in the color of her costuming was also able to add to the character’s emotions this entirely visible layer, conveying the emotions of the character so beautifully!


I sincerely recommend this film to everyone. I personally am not that into politics, but there isn't actually a lot of politics in this film, it is instead more like a discussion of humanity in the background of politics!!! 10/10 recommend!!


Happy Saturday (SNL IS COMING BACK)!! 周六快乐(周六夜现场要回来了)!!


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