Finished MacGruber today hahahaha
I’m sorry, but it is seriously bad hahahaha. It’s so bad it’s stupid, it’s so bad it’s HILARIOUS. This movie has seriously made “bad” a compliment, because it is for some reason so bad it’s funny. I think, not gonna lie, this is a wonderful comedy. The plot isn’t that good, but for some reason it has managed to be so bad it’s good, so bad it gives life lessons, so bad it is amazing.
对不起 是真的烂哈哈哈哈。烂到脑瘫烂到笑飞了,这部电影真的是烂到一种境界了,一种好笑到起飞的境界了。我觉得是一个很好的喜剧片。剧情的确不咋地,但是它莫名其妙的烂出了精髓,烂出了人生道理,烂出彩了。
There are seriously so many places (especially at the end), where Kristen and Will seriously have SNL sketch vibes (which makes sense since the film is part of the notorious genre called “SNL films”, films based on SNL sketches). There really isn’t much to say about this film except that it’s so bad it’s good.
好多地方(特别是最后的时候)krissy和will真的有那种周六夜现场sketch的感觉(虽然这部片子本来就是根据周六夜现场的一个sketch改编的)哈哈哈哈。这部电影别的真的没啥好说的 就是烂 烂到好看。
Also, I’m so sad about this, why is MacGruber so mean to Vicki!!! Literally the more I watch the angrier I get, she is so amazing and loyal and comforts you and is also gorgeous, and this is how you treat her??? Vicki, I would never treat you like that, please come find me, stop loving MacGruber LOVE MEEEE!!!!
还有我好难过,为啥MacGruber对我的Viki这么不好??我越看越气,真的是无语子她那么好对你忠心耿耿还经常安慰你长得又好看 你竟然这样对她!!!Vicki我不会这样对你的请你来找我吧别喜欢MacGruber了!!!
The credits were also hilarious, especially when Kristen starts singing, which was so funny even though every note was spot on hahaha, the last “I love you” was so beautiful.
credits的时候krissy唱的歌哈哈哈哈笑飞了哈哈哈每一句是对的调哈哈哈哈最后一句i love you太苏了太苏了。
Lastly, I just want to say Vicki Gloria St. Elmo I love you!!!
最后说一句Vicki Gloria St. Elmo我爱你!!!
Happy Saturday!! (WHEN WILL SNL BE BACK ON) 周六快乐!!(周六夜现场什么时候回来)