Finished The Tomorrow War today (there’s a tiny tiny bit of spoilers)
今天看了《明日之战》The Tomorrow War(有一点点小小的剧透)
I really liked this film! I think it’s a wonderful sci-fi film, and extremely fun to watch, and I had goosebumps for the literal entire beginning of the film! It really has this weird noble, sacrificial feeling, and I weirdly like it so much!
我超级喜欢这部电影!我觉得作为科技片超级好看,前面我全程起鸡皮疙瘩!真的有一种特别伟大的感觉 好喜欢!
So, plot first. I think the plot wasn’t bad, the rhythm was just right, and it definitely won’t make you feel bored. Especially, especially because there are so many fight and action scenes and also there is such suspense when you’re waiting for the alien. The script is written really well too, and almost every character got an either heroic or happy ending. Of course, it’s a sci-fi film, and sci-fi films always have these small things that you can pick out as inaccurate. I think the biggest flaw was (SPOILER ALERT!!!) the main character’s daughter dies in the future, but if the main character just changes history, the war won’t even happen, and so the daughter doesn’t even die, do why is he spending his time mourning? Of course, maybe that is just to develop the main character’s kinda “heroic” feel, the kinda “I will never leave anyone behind no matter what” type of character trait, which is shown throughout the entire film, is I actually liked it!
先从剧情说!剧情我觉得还是蛮不错的,节奏刚好,不会让你无聊。特别是因为有很多打架和悬念期待着怪兽出现的戏。剧本写得还是不错的,对几乎每一个角色都给了要不英雄的结局要不是美满的结局。当然,科技片总会有一些瑕疵,这里面我觉得最大的瑕疵就是(剧透提醒!!!)男主女儿在未来死 其实只要男主去改变历史就不会发生的,所以不知道为啥要那么难过她死去。当然,可能这就是男主全程体现的英雄气概,那种无论什么时候都不抛下队友的精神是全片贯穿的,也不错!
There is another flaw that I think is kind of obvious in the plot, which is that if the main character changes the way that history is going, then the Tomorrow War basically never happened, so in the parallel universe they would never know that the War even existed, so the soldiers who time-traveled 30 years back wouldn’t even exist, so how did they even get back to where Dan Forester was at at that point in time? (This is probably why sci-fi films are so hard to do haha, it gets literally so much easier to find flaws in the plot)
剧情还有一个我觉得比较大的瑕疵,就是后面男主改变了历史的方向,那么明日之战就从来没有发生过,那么平行世界里面他们就不可能会知道有明日之战这个东西啊。因为没有发生这个战争,所以之前穿越的30年后的士兵就不存在,所以他们是怎么穿越的呢?(这就是为什么科技片难做哈哈哈 太容易找到漏洞了)
Anyway, even though there are a few flaws, but I think there are overall no big issues, so watching it was still super awesome!
Then, the characters! The character developments were good, the main character’s traits were also kept really consistent, and there was nothing really weird progress. The main character’s daughter’s character development was also pretty good, going from being in awe of her father to being disappointed with him to the final forgiveness between the two of them. I also really liked the development of the main character’s dad and his friend Charlie. The friend went from being scared of almost everything, and finally became a really courageous, and the father went from being irresponsible to trying to sacrificing himself for his son, and most off the characters developed really well! But I do also think that the main character had a few traits that could have been developed a bit better, like at the beginning, the movie spends some time showing the audience that the main character didn’t get a job that he wanted, which I feel like isn’t really very mentioned again during the movie, so I feel like this could’ve been strengthened.
The actors were, of course, also amazing. I think the actor that really made me feel shook by their talent would be the young Ryan Kiera Armstrong, who, because I’ve been watching American Horror Story 10: Double Feature, I hated, and then in this film I just absolutely felt so heartbroken for her! That is definitely the mark of a good actor!! I think this young actor has an amazing future in the industry, not gonna lie.
演员们也很厉害!最突出的我觉得是小女孩Ryan Kiera Armstrong,因为我最近在看美恐10,在那部剧里面超级讨厌她,但是这部剧里又超级心疼她,这就是一个好演员啊啊啊!我觉得这个小演员未来可期!
Of course, as a sci-fi film, the visual effects must be mentioned. I think that the visual effects are still amazing, and the aliens are actually very scary, and the time traveling was really beautifully created visually, and basically this just looks like a big production haha.
Anyway, I was also really happy to see the representations of African Americans and women in this film, the characters were deep and meaningful and not just stock characters! I definitely recommend this film!
Happy Saturday (10/2 SNL is coming back!!)!!
(P.S. Just want to take a moment to remember 9/11 and the tragedy that happened. May such horrific acts happen less and less.)
(P.S. 想要在最后纪念一下今天9/11发生的悲剧。希望这种事情以后可以越来越少发生。)