Finished Ghostbusters 2016
When I first started liking Kristen I went on AO3 and read this fan fic about her and Kate, so now I can’t look at them without my mind going into “ship mode” haha.
I sincerely do not understand why this film got so much hate! I laughed a lot! I think it was a funny and interesting film! The special effects were also amazing and adorable!
The script and plot may not have been the best, but I think it wasn't bad, and I have no idea why the critiques are all so bad (Seriously, without being a fan, which I don’t think really matters in this film because Kristen didn’t stand out in this film and the costuming and makeup didn’t make her attractive anymore than she already is, so I just thought the plot was interesting.) The film is definitely more in my area of comedy, so I liked it a lot!
电影剧情不是最佳,但是我觉得蛮不错,不知道为啥评价都不怎么高(真没带粉丝滤镜毕竟姐也没有很出彩没有很美,故事总体我真的觉得有趣)我觉得跟我笑点很符合 我就很喜欢!
Anyway, Kristen is always a stand out in comedy, she’s just always naturally funny! The sad thing is that her acting chops aren't really getting much flexing in these films; if you want to see more acting you’d probably have to go to one of her indies, these are just admiring the film’s laughs and characters and her beauty of course hahaha.
Anyway krissy在喜剧里面真的很出彩,每次都莫名其妙的很搞笑!但是难过的是她的演技在这些电影里面没有完全发挥,想欣赏演技还是要看那些indie 这些就是看着欣赏一些电影剧情笑点角色还有姐的美貌哈哈哈。
Happy Saturday!! 周六快乐!!