(Adding my Pretty Bird review, this is entirely just me fanning over her, not really a review of the film, WARNING)
(补上看pretty bird的感想, 这篇就是全部都是我粉丝滤镜,并不是真正讲电影的!!)
Watched Pretty Bird today (thank you to Kristen’s super topic on Weibo for letting me steal the movie)
今天看完了Pretty Bird(感谢krissy超话给我白嫖)
I’m not exactly a huge fan of this type of genre, so I watched this completely confused and thought it was boring. But! But!!!
这部电影我可能是不太喜欢这种genre 所以看的我一脸懵逼加上觉得无聊。但是!但是!!
I seriously love the way that Kristen carries herself like a person who doesn’t know how pretty she us. Especially the she plays a character who others complement her beauty a lot, this sort of conflicting feelings on her just work really well. She gives people the feeling of being awkward, in an adorable way, but is still so drop-dead gorgeous. Literally, her eyes are so innocent and pure. Even in Bridesmaids, even though Rose Byrne is more conventionally pretty, for some reason Kristen was just more eye catching for me (is this just me being a fan, probably haha)
最喜欢kristen身上那种美而不自知的感觉啊啊,特别是她演美女的时候,这种奇奇怪怪的对比感觉就很奇妙。她总是给人感觉很awkward很可爱,但是脸又真的超级好看, 特别是无辜的眼睛哈哈哈简直了, 就连看伴娘我都觉得Rose Byrne很美很精致,但是姐更亮眼不知道为啥(粉丝滤镜吗 应该是哈哈哈)
Basically, this is a sci-fi indie type film. If you’re a fan of this type of film this looks like it might be interesting, but it’s definitely not for me hahaha
总体来说,一部小众indie科幻型影片 喜欢这种类型的人可以去看看 我还是算了吧哈哈哈
Happy Thursday!!