Finished season 1 of Euphoria, already looking forward to season 2
This show, just putting aside plot and acting for a second, just from a purely aesthetic point of view, is literally such a great watch. Oh my God, the cinematography, the color, the editing, the music!!! Whether it is the color schemes of each character or the colors of each scene, everything is used to reflect something about the plot and the character. This is AMAZING. And the background music, don’t even get me started on it. It is such a great device to make the audience feel the characters. And the editing!! Especially that scene with Jules and Shyguy118 (trying not to spoil anything here) was so amazing, and the scene with Jules and Anna/Rue, oh buy god the colors and the character transitions!!! It is a MASTERPIECE! Every scene from every episode can literally be used as a promotional poster aesthetic level. I love it so much
The characters are also amazing. Each of the 6 charters are well-rounded and have both positive and negative traits. Each character has his/her flaws, but even the worst human being alive Nat can sort of be understood once you understand him (even though I still hate the dude!!), and each character has their own sad stories, but also their own positive traits and struggles. I think this might be why this show was so popular, because there is at least one character that you would be able to relate to, no matter who you are.
The plot was also interesting (even though it was mostly character oriented), and also very long and very sexual. But I think this show really is able to convey the hate/love relationships in high school (both in America and China), and does it from a unique perspective. Each episode begins with some type of character backstory, so that the audience members become familiar with each character (even if you don’t like them). The plot was well-rounded and full, and also interesting!!! But each episode is like an hour long, so it might not be the best thing to start watching on your lunch break haha.
故事线也很有趣(虽然主要都是character oriented),而且很多很多比较黄的地方哈哈哈哈。但是这种高中的爱恨纠缠啊这部电视剧真的是从一个很真实(美国/中国都会有的某一些高中的那种真实)很独特的方式来讲,每一集的刚开始都是一个角色的背景故事,让观众对每一个角色都了解并且理解(虽然不一定喜欢)。故事线完整且有趣,好喜欢!但是一集有1个小时那么长,不太适合吃中饭的时候看哈哈哈。
I definitely recommend this show, interesting and aesthetically pleasing and DEEP. What more can you ask for? I am so looking forward to season two!!
After watching the show, I just want to say: I hope everyone can persevere and push through the ups and downs of life. Happiness may not always be present, but sadness will definitely also leave. Life is full of the goods and the bads, and I sincerely hope everyone can find their happiness.
Lastly, just wanted to throw in one of my personal favourite quotes from the show:
“i hate everyone in the world except you”
Happy Tuesday!!