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Dead Silence: Me Watching this Film


Watched the classic horror film Dead Silence today!


I personally liked this film a lot. Plot wise, the pace of the story is fast, the very beginning starts with a scary scene. The second half of the film is also interesting, and is consistency so. James Wan is amazing at what he does is all I can say! And the last (the final) twist in the plot was the best thing EVER! Like, all the foreshadowing and the weird stuff at the beginning just suddenly made sense!I loved it! The only thing left unclear in the original story is who actually sent the doll to the main characters (but the Alternative Ending in the uncut version of the film explains that, which is available on YouTube!). But I think that leaves some space for the reader to analyze the film themselves, so that’s also pretty cool. Overall, no big bugs that I think need ironing out.

这部片子我还是很喜欢的!从剧情来说,前面不拖沓,一上来就是比较恐怖的一幕。后面也不会无聊,一直都是很稳的发展,不愧是温子仁的电影!而且后面(最后面的)反转简直绝了!前面的各种呼应都超级到位!超级喜欢!唯一一个在正片中没有解释的就是到底是谁寄的娃娃(不过未删减版本的Alternate Ending里面是有解释的,想要看到的可以去油管上搜!)但是这样观影者也可自己推测,总体来说没有什么很大的bug

And now, characters. The most interesting one is probably the antagonist Mary Shaw, because we get to understand her, feel bad for her, then realize she doesn’t deserve sympathy. The twists and turns of her character are amazing. My personal favorite character was probably Marion, the character who, although seems a bit out of it, is actually the clearest of them all.

然后角色,最有趣的一定是Mary Shaw这个坏人,从了解她的背景,观影者一开始是怜悯她,到后面却又一次痛恨她,她这个角色的反转还是很厉害的!我个人最喜欢的角色是Marion,虽然神神叨叨但却十分清醒。

As a horror film, this film rarely utilizes “jump scares” to scare its audiences, and for the most part relies on its characters (their physical appearances especially) and suspense to reach its intended effects. Me and my friend watched this in the middle of the day and we still got scared, so good job Dead Silence. (Also, we found the perfect Halloween costume, so thank you, James Wan.)

作为恐怖片,这部片子极少用到了“jump scare”,大多数时候都是利用角色的长相和悬疑达到恐怖效果,做的超级好!我和朋友两个人在大白天看的都有被吓到。(而且还找到了万圣节最好的打扮哈哈哈哈)

Overall, I liked it a lot! (Maybe not enough to watch it again and again, but definitely enough so that I don’t think I wasted my time watching the film!) This is a definite must see for fans of horror!


Happy Wednesday (and watching a scary movie too… coincidence, I think not.)!!

周三快乐(而且还看了一部恐怖电影……巧合吗 不不不这是命运)!!


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