(I now basically spend every day in the theaters)
Watched Cruella today!
Disney never disappoints, neither does writing and acting award winning actress Emma Thompson, this is definitely the best movie I have watched these past few weeks!
不愧是迪士尼的电影 不愧是我Emma Thompson双料影后的电影,是我这几周看到最值的电影了!
The costuming in this movie is amazing, if they don’t get a nod from the Academy Awards this year I am not watching. The costuming and makeup and hair in this movie were all amazing (Except there are times when Emma Stone’s wig looks wayy too much like a wig, begging people to spend more time on wigs) I want to own Cruella’s entire wardrobe, everything was so amazing, definitely my type of style.
服装是真的一绝 今年奥斯卡最佳服装没有这部电影我不看了。服化道都很绝(只是我石头姐有些时候的假发也太假了吧 求求假发上点心)我好想拥有Cruella的衣柜啊啊啊太绝了是我最喜欢的黑色叛逆的feel没错了
The plot overall was well-paced, the characterisation on point, especially the two characters, Estella vs Cruella, and the Baroness, watching them gave me so much happiness for some reason. As a classical villain whitewashing film, there isn't a lot of justification for Cruella’s later actions in 101 Dalmatians, it just gave her a more interesting backstory, so I think it wasn't too sappy overall and not bad. I also really liked the characterisation of Cruella’s two sidekicks, every character was much more 3D and human in this adaptation.
故事情节不拖沓 角色刻画总体来说不错,特别是Estella vs Cruella和Baroness这两个角色看得我太开心了。作为对经典villain的“洗白”电影,其实更多的不是为后面101 Dalmatian Cruella所干的事情洗白,只是给了她一个有趣的背景故事,所以总体来说我还是认为很好的。而且我很喜欢对Cruella的两位帮手的刻画,每个角色都更加有血有肉了。
Also, I could not tear my eyes away from the screen the entire time Emma Stone or/and Emma Thompson were on screen! Emma Stone is literally so pretty in dark makeup!! Both of these amazing actors having scenes together is just a dream come true for anyone to watch, can I just an entire stack of movies like this please!! Amazing actors having fun in a scene can only be commented on with one word: AWESOMENESS!!!
以及两位大美女让我每一秒都盯着荧幕 什么都不能打扰我看美女!石头姐太适合烟熏妆了呜呜呜太美了!!两位演技绝佳的影后对戏也是看的真的爽,这种电影请给我来一沓!!影后飙戏只有一个字:爽!!!
Anyway, overall I just love Disney, I love these actors, and I love beautiful clothing hahaha
anyway总而言之我爱迪士尼爸爸 我爱美女and我爱美丽的衣服哈哈哈
Happy Monday!! 周一快乐!!