Finished the amazing Circe today!
I’ve read this author Madeline Miller before, and I loved her other book Song of Achilles, so I was super looking forward to this book, and I was not disappointed!!
之前就很喜欢这个作家,她的另一本书“Song of Achilles”我超级喜欢,所以也一直期待这本书。完全没有让我失望!
First, the characters. There was a lot of extremely realistic and cruel characterisation about Pashaë and Peres in the beginning, but I think the best, and saddest, character is the titular character, Circe. She goes from grovelling in the beginning, to continuing to grovel at the end, but through the process, she finds who she is, and finds her own value, and because the “Most Powerful Witch” that we know now. Still, she remains only a small nymph in front of the bigger gods. Even though watching her tell Hermes and Athena off towards the end was the best thing ever.
从角色上来说,前期对Pasphaë 和Peres的刻画很真实,但是最心疼的肯定是我们的女主Circe。前面有多么卑微,后面就还是有多卑微。也不是一直卑微,她也找到了自己,也成为了我们现在所熟知的“最强女巫”。但是在各类大神的面前还是只不过是一个小小的nymph。不过后面怼Hermes和Athena还是很爽的哈哈哈哈
As a shameless loved of Greek mythology (like I am OBSESSED), this book was sooo satisfying!!! I didn’t know much about Circe before, because she’s the daughter of a Titan and I personally enjoy the myths about the Olympians more (especially Artemis!!! ARTEMIS SUPREMACY!!). But this book did more than just add a modern twist to the characters of Greek myths. It also added a lot of historical critique. Like, for example, there was a lot of commentary about how history was generally written by men, and women were subjected to unfair representations. So maybe Circe wasn’t the horrible witch who turned Odysseus’ men into pigs for no reason. Maybe she was just a normal witch who kept to herself, and was disturbed by the men and disrespected. There’s a lot of food for thought about how women were represented.
作为一个古希腊神话爱好者(真的是那种各种研究了解),看这本书超级快乐!满足了我的一切需求哈哈哈。之前对Circe的认识比较少,因为她的神话都是比较偏Titans的,而我比较喜欢那些Olympians(特别是我Artemis!好喜欢好喜欢哈哈哈)。但是这本书里面不仅仅是一些对于希腊神话的从新改编,还有很多对历史的批判。比如说,历史大多都是男性书写的,所以说不定Circe并不是奥德赛里面的坏人,说不定她只不过是一个普通的 不想被打扰却总是被人打扰不尊重的女巫,所以才会把奥德赛的船员变成猪。
Anyway, more quite that I loved!! (they’re in English because I’m too lazy to translate haha, but rage descriptions and writing are beautiful!)
anyway,再来分享几句我个人最爱!(是英语的 因为我懒得翻译哈哈哈反正书中的写法超级美就对了!)
“But then there are those who wear their destinies like nooses is, whose lives run straight as planks, however they try to twist.”
“But in a solitary life there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours, a star is once a year brush the earth.”
“Some people are like constellations who only touch the earth for a season.
SUPER recommend this book for anyone who loves Greek mythology!! (And Madeline Miller’s other book Song of Achilles!! Both are amazing!!)
超级推荐喜欢古希腊神话的人看这本书,还有这个作家Madeline Miller的另一本“Song of Achilles”!都超级好看!
Happy Thursday!!