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'Barb and Star': Glorious Absurdity


I also finished Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar today! Working my way down Kristen Wiig’s movies, yayyy

今天又看了 《巴布于斯塔尔的维斯塔德尔玛之旅》Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar!一点一点看完krissy的电影 开心

I read a review about Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar that went, “I hope little kids watch BARB AND STAR at a sleepover and only one of them gets it and thinks it’s funny and then that kid grows up to be famous and says one of their early influences was BARB AND STAR.”


I’m that little kid. Still waiting for the “get famous” part.


This movie has a pretty childish plot, which is why I totally get why it’s not Oscar material, but it is seriously such a good comfort movie, especially when you’re unhappy and just want to watch something light that can make you laugh!


Barb and Star isn’t for everyone with its glorious absurdity, but from Star’s self-deprecation to acceptance, from Barb’s fear of outside to adventure, this movie tells a story of healing and discovery, of love and friendship, of culottes and hot dog soup.


Also, the colors of this film are also so beautiful! Even just the light makes me think of happiness and sunshine! Literally so pretty!


I have now evolved into being a person that can literally fall in love with Barb and Star. There’s this one scene where Kristen is shaking her head and there’s this bell sound that we later find out is coming from Edgar’s phone, and this scene is the most adorable thing ever! Every character is seriously so dirty in this, and I love it. (Star is seriously so bad and I love her so much ;)

我现在已经进化到连巴星都能舔,有一幕krissy摇头然后发出咕噜咕噜的手机铃声简直太可爱了吧!每一个角色都好可爱。(不过星是真的污 我喜欢 ;)

I saw somewhere that best friends are people who have everything and nothing in common with you. That’s Barb and Star. Through the eyes of almost twin-like middle-aged women, we watch Barb and Star go beyond their comfort zones, explore new things, find new aspects of themselves, and are reminded that we shouldn’t ever stop exploring.


Also, I don’t know why, but I seriously love this antagonist! She seriously seems so graceful and so elegant! There was also this one part where she is holding a picture of Star and she says “she is pretty,” which for some reason I laughed so hard at. Is this what it’s like to know you’re gorgeous? (My mom also said Kristen is pretty which makes me super weirdly happy hehe)

还有,我好喜欢反派!不知道为什么觉得她好优雅好高贵!有一块儿反派看着星的照片夸了一句“she is pretty”我整个人笑没了,这就是“美而自知”吗(我娘也说krissy好看嘿嘿)

Also, Kristen is such a good actor! Even my mom couldn’t tell that Star and Sharon Gordon Fisherman were the same person! Their voices are so completely different, how on Earth can she be so good at what she does!!

还有 姐的演技真的好棒!反派和星我妈妈都没看出来是姐!说话声音都是不一样的 怎么会如此优秀!!

Combining cartoonish disregard for logic (Looking at you, talking crab), themes about friendship, and a happy-Disney-ending, Barb and Star may not be gut-wrenchingly funny, but it's certainly a beacon of light and booby songs and happiness, a vacation into a simple world where pink culottes will save the day, and a pre-2020-like getaway for our mental sanity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

结合了几乎动画片似的故事逻辑(看你呢,说话的螃蟹),关于友谊的主题,以及一个迪士尼般的快乐结局,巴跟星可能不是最能让你哄堂大笑的电影,但是它一定会成为一个带着光和booby songs和快乐的灯塔,带你踏入一个粉色裙裤可以拯救失窃的世界的旅途,一个在新冠肺炎疫情中拯救我们精神健康的2020年前般的旅游。

Anyway, Barb and Star are so adorable!! I love them haha!


Happy Monday!!



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