Finished Skeleton Twins today. This is an amazing film; the story simple but touching.
今天看完了skeleton twins(失魂姐弟)。它很棒,故事很简单但是很感人。
(WARNING: lot’s of the fan stuff)
Kristen in a scuba diving outfit is literally so gorgeous, and also her scenes with Bill Hader are absolutely amazing! This is probably my personal favourite of Kristen’s movies so far (and I absolutely love Bridesmaids and Barb and Star, so that’s saying a lot). Her outfits and looks may not have been the prettiest, but the plot, the acting, the atmosphere of the film are absolutely amazing, definitely my favourite so far!!! Skeleton Twins supremacy!!! Also, the chemistry of the two SNL alumni is absolutely perfect!!! The film doesn’t even have to explain how long they’ve known each other, it’s so obvious from the moment they come into a scene together that these are two people who have known each other for a very long time, and it fits the characters perfectly (Brother/Sister relationship)!!!
kristen穿潜水服真的美飞了,而且姐和bill hader两人的对手戏看得我爽飞了,我觉得这应该是姐电影里面我个人最喜欢的一个啦(而且我真的超级喜欢伴娘和巴跟星,所以这应该可以说明这部片子有多好哈哈哈哈)。这部里面姐造型虽然不是最美的但是剧情演技还有氛围都是我现在为止最喜欢的啊啊啊啊失魂姐弟永远的神!以及两人的chemistry真的太绝了太绝了太绝了!!!不用解释一看就这道这是认识很久的人,特别符合角色定位(兄妹/姐弟,剧中没有解释谁更大)!!
The plot itself may not be the most special most unique, but if only because of the acting of Kristen and Bill this film is definitely a must watch. The script is pretty well-written, the characters all have their flaws, realistic flaws, and the film dives deep into the themes of familial relationships and love. It feels like an indie (which it is), but it is definitely not a comedy (like it was branded for reasons I will not get into here or else I will start getting mad). It is a film that requires you to sit down and focus on, and although it might be more indie style, it is definitely one of my favourite films of all time.
单说剧情可能不是最突出最特别的,但是因为姐和bill两个人的演技这部电影就很有自己独特魅力。角色都有不足的人物特征,真实的不足,而电影里对亲情啊爱情啊友情啊都探讨了许多。它给人的感觉是一个indie电影(因为它本来就是)但是它绝对不是喜剧(虽然标签是喜剧,但是这里就不讨论为啥他们给电影定义为喜剧了 要不然我绝对会开始气愤)。它是一个需要静下心来看的,很小众的电影,但也是我最喜欢的电影之一了。
Especially that scene during the Halloween party, both actors are so amazing. As an audience member, I am completely invested in this scene, and it feels like I am going through this fight between siblings myself. The ending of the film is also very healing in a way (although it’s like depressing healing type feel), and it’s hard not to want to cry at the end. This type of “I will always be here for you” relationship is so touching to witness.
The reasons why I love this film is hard to articulate exactly, but watching this film made me feel warm inside, for no reason, perhaps, other than it heals something deep inside.
Happy Friday!!