I like the name of this book both in English and in Chinese so much. Both names are beautiful. I finished this classical American script today: A Streetcar Named Desire (SPOILERS)
I’ve wanted to read this book for some time now, because there was a Gillian Anderson phase in my life, and she had once played Blanche on stage before, which I remember fondly. And as a fan of all sorts of literature, Tennessee Williams is really an almost God-like writer in American literature, so I’m really happy I finished this book.
这本书真的是我一直都很想看的,因为以前有一段时间很喜欢Gillian Anderson,而她曾今在舞台上饰演过Blanche,我记忆深刻,所以我想要看!而且作为一个爱书人,Tenessee Williams是一个美国文学中跟神一样的人,所以很开心看完了这本书。
The book is a tragedy, and the main character Blanche is a tragic figure. She is a character who has been abandoned by the world, a character who lives inside her own world. The saddest thing is, at the end, even her closest sister betrayed her, and stopped believing her. She became a figure of mocking, but she too, was originally a person with love and beliefs and dreams.
The reason why, when reading this book, it feels more like a book than a script, is because the author chose to violate one of the rules of script writing. When I wrote my first script, my teacher told me: you shouldn’t write so much stage directions, because those are the jobs of someone else. Like for instance, you shouldn’t write super detailed inner feelings for the characters, or else the actors will have no space to develop the characters themselves. But Tennessee Williams disregarded these rules, and in doing so, created his own style: he writes, and he makes sure that each characters feelings and stage directions are clear as day.
其实看这本书的时候,它虽然是一个剧本,但是它读起来像书。作者写这本剧本的时候,其实是违背了戏剧的一个规矩. 我曾今在写剧本的时候,老师跟我说:你不能写太多stage directions,因为这样别的工作人员就没有事情干了。比如说你写太多角色的心理描写,演员就没有事情干了,没有自己可以理解的地方了。但是Tenessee Williams违背了这个规矩,这也成为了他的一个风格:他会把所有的角色感情,所有的台本都写得一清二楚。
My favorite scenes were the last three, scenes 9 to 11, from were Blanche begins to tell Mitch of the world she creates to Blanche being raped, and finally to Blanche being taken away. These few scenes are touching in a way that feels almost intimate to the characters, and at the end, there is nothing the reader can do for Blanche’s tragedy. But the tragedies of this book aren’t only displayed on Blanche, there is also the tragedy of Stanley’s insecurities as a man, Stella being domestically abused and being in a toxic relationship, each character in the story demonstrated some human tragedy, and I think that is why this story has remained the classic it is today, for it doesn’t restrain itself on the demonstration of human tragedies.
Finally, one of my favorite quotes:
Blanche DuBois: “Yes, yes, magic! I try to give that to people. I misrepresent things to them. I don’t tell the truth. I tell what ought to be the truth. And if that is sinful, then let me be damned for it.”
Happy Sunday!!