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'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty' and Daydreamers


Finally watched A Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Can I just say the Chinese translation of this film’s title is literally so poetic??)

终于看《白日梦想家》了 (中文版本的片名真的太唯美了吧)

Kristen is so gentle and pretty in this film, she literally has a smile as warm as the sun. Each scene she had with Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller) just made me so excited and weirdly happy hehe.

这部电影里面krissy是真的很温柔 很好看,笑起来跟小太阳一样温暖。和Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller饰)的每一幕看得我都好激动 好开心嘿嘿。

The colors of this film are absolutely stunning, this film is worth watching even if only for the colors. Any moment in each scene could be screenshot and turned into wallpaper. I also love the consistent thread of blue and red (a reference to The Matrix, which only makes me love this film even more).


Pot-wise, I think the film is pretty good. I think part of that has to do with Ben Stiller’s acting; he really brought Walter to life. The entire movie has this refreshing and healing feel to it, and I personally loved it.

剧情来说, 我觉得还是很可以的,特别是Ben Stiller的演技,真的把 Walter演活了。整部电影就是清新治愈小片的感觉,我个人还是很喜欢的!

Also, Kristen singing is the best thing ever, and I love David Bowie’s songs so much. I agree wholeheartedly with Kristen’s character’s take on Space Oddity:

以及我好喜欢krissy唱歌,太好听了太好听了。也好喜欢鲍爷 David Bowie的歌,我对Space Oddity的认知跟Kristen的角色想的一样:

“The song is about courage, and going into the unknown.”

I read somewhere, a long time ago, that daydreams are just dreams that we haven't acted upon yet. So I hope all of us can one day be the daydreamer that Walter Mitty is.

我曾今在那里读过一句话,说梦想只不过是脚踏实地的白日梦想罢了。那就希望我们所有人都可以做像Walter Mitty一样的白日梦想家吧。

Happy Saturday!!



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